Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Little More About Thankfulness

I got to thinking that with all the recent posts about "poor me" I wanted to make sure that I did not forget to share an attitude of gratitude as we move into this week of Thanksgiving. I am especially mindful of this these days, because kindness has come from all over, in lovely and unexpected ways, and it reminds me that I have always basically been in agreement with Anne Frank, who wrote "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart". And I do.

Even when sometimes disappointed by someone, I haven't really wavered in my belief in the goodness of people. That they are really wanting to help.

And so, a short list of recent thank yous, and I hope I don't leave anyone out.

To Jamie, for being there in so many ways and especially for being such a great mom to Sofie and making her feel safe in this chaotic world she is living in,
To Maria and Mohini, for sending fancy chocolates for Halloween,
To Betty and Delma, for bringing dinners and doing the baths and the spelling practices,
To CJ for showing up during some of my worst days with this cold and taking such good care of me, body and soul,
To Annie S, who is going through her own grief, for the beautiful and thoughtful card,
To Amy, for always writing the perfect and supportive emails from far away. We wish you were all closer to us,
To Jamie B for offering her home and her kids for playdates so gently and gracefully,
To Brenda, for entertaining me with current information and lively feedback from the front,
To Pammy for her offer to defend my honor,
To the Covenant Group at ERUUF who raked up 18 bags of leaves and made my yard look a little more managed than it had been,
To my neighbors for the weekly trash assistance and for the emergency dinners,
To Tracey for the evening rescue when I couldn't move a muscle, much less run a bath,
To Kim for the awesome massage,
To Kile, for calling to say I love you just whenever,
To Katy M, for sending 2 lbs of See's chocolates at a time when nausea ruled,
To Jean E for the little bag of luscious smelling lotions and potions,
To my HSL colleagues for the incredible spa basket of treats and toys and for thinking of Sofie in their gift-giving,
To Dave, Susan, and Joanna who are coming to visit soon,
To Jane R for taking good care of Sofie's little psyche,
To Ms. Kelly and Ms. Ewald for being her warm and wonderful teachers,
And to everyone who has called, sent a card, an email or a note to cheer me up. It helps, really it does.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. With love.


Rebecca said...

You only met me one time, I lived for one year in Jamie's condo area, but I wanted to let you know that I faithfully read your blog and pray for you. I think you are doing a tremendous job of having strength, staying positive while also being honest. I wouldn't worry about people that think you are SA, just surround yourself with the positive people and it sounds like you have a lot.
Happy Thanksgiving,

Anonymous said...

Debra, I'm thankful also. You've helped me to find the spirit and good sense to think hard about what I can do for my sisters (you and many other dear ones). I read your blog when I can take it in fully, and like my own coming to terms with HIV, it is both a slow drip and a full on infusion of truth.

I hope that you, Sofie, and loved ones have a wonderful thanksgiving in Chicago.

on Dec 1, I'm working a table for Breast Cancer Action at a conference on treatment survivorship- I mention it because i know that you will appreciate the date- I'm thinking of you and will be thinking of you on that day-

best to you, Steve Lew